Monday, February 8, 2010

My new samsung led hdtv

I got a new Samsung LED HDTV on Friday 2/5/2010. Its UN46B6000.

> First, I connected Direct Comcast cable into the TV's Antenna. I have Basic Comcast package. Then I ran the tv's setup options to scan all available channels. And it scanned all the HD channels availalble and it was looking great. But I wanted to play the sound in my home-theater system. Unfortunately I did not see any Component Audio Out ports that I can use. So, I had to use the TV's audio for those HDTV channels as well.

> Then I got the Digital Receiver from Comcast. Comcast cables goes directly into the Receiver and Receiver's RF Out goes directly into the TV's Antenna. This box also had the Audio out ports that I connected to Audio In of the home-theater system. So, Audio worked fine. But the Video quality of TV was not as great as I expected. I was getting better quality w/o the digital receiver. So, I learned now I need to get an HD Receiver that will do the job.

Other nice things about the TV were
- I could plug in my iPhone to its USB and could see the pictures. Could not see any videos yet.
- I could plug in my external Hard Disk via USB to the computer and see the pictures. Again, could not see any videos from Hard Disk.
- I plugged in my PC monitor cable to the TV, and it was looking great. Very good quality on the TV screen (1080p).

Looking forward to connect the TV to internet via regular LAN cable. There is LAN port. And see what all it can do. Also the wireless LAN adapter - but that costs > 50 dollars so holding off on that for now.


  1. Hello Piyush,
    are you the same Piyush of
    Let me know please...These days I'm in Atlanta.

  2. Yes Mishra. I had created the

    My email address is - piyushpbhatt / gmail

    Hope you are enjoying in Atlanta.
